Uncontested Votes Passes New Bicycle Law

After a near uncontested vote, motorists throughout Michigan will now, by law, have to take greater care when passing cyclists on the road. Under this newly passed bicycle law, motorists will now be required to give at least a 3-foot clearance when passing a cyclist on the road unless it is “impractical” to do so. Also included in this legislation is a bill that would make it so teenage drivers in Michigan will have to learn safety laws pertaining to “vulnerable” roadway users, a term which includes cyclists before they receive their license to drive.

This new bicycle law comes after staggering statistics that state that 38 cyclists were killed on the roadways of Michigan in 2016, a number that was more than double the previous year, and 2,000 reported cyclist injuries from tangles with motor vehicles. This pressed Michigan, one of only 11 other states with no passing laws for cyclists, to put this new law under consideration.

Future Steps

Michigan, like almost every other state, has seen a rise of cyclists on the roadways and like every other citizen traveling around Michigan, they have a right to be protected. However, now that the law has been passed, the real test comes with enforcing it. For many drivers, they may not even realize they are now required by law to give a 3-foot passing distance, and it is up to law enforcement and drivers to decipher what “impractical” truly means.

However, until the law goes into effect state-wide, cyclists are still in danger. Yet, many local communities have passed 5-foot passing ordinances that keep their local biking communities safe.

Contact the Law Office of Gary Brustin Today

Have you been hurt in a cycling accident? Then you need someone in your corner who can help. If you are a cyclist who has been in an accident with a motor vehicle or otherwise in an accident that was the fault of another, contact us today. Let us help you get the compensation that you need.